Rising Stars Application
2019 Rising Stars Application
We invite all high-school aged classical musicians and vocalists to apply for our Rising Stars program. Please fill out the form below, or download a PDF form here.
Questions? Contact Julie Nagy at 732-528-9224 or email [email protected].
- All applications and recordings must be submitted by Sunday, October 20 at 11pm.
- All applicants must be available for the Wednesday, Nov. 13 concert date.
- The music selection must be from a sonata, concerto, etude, aria or art song that is no longer than 5 minutes. Pop, rock, jazz, gospel and Broadway pieces will not be considered.
- Audition videos are to be recorded using a camera (cell phone recording is permitted), uploaded as a link or to YouTube and emailed to [email protected]. Staged concert performance recordings will not permitted. Record a video exactly the way you would audition live. Memorization is required. Audition must include a live accompanist.
Audition videos can be submitted in the following ways. Please share the URL in the field below or email the URL to [email protected]:
- Uploaded to YouTube as a Public or Unlisted Video (please do not submit 'Private' videos).
- Uploaded to Vimeo as a Public, Private (with password - please share password with us!) or Unlisted video.
- Upload the video file to Google, Dropbox, Onedrive or another file sharing site and share the link with us.
- Please do not email video files as attachments.